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Slant Bed Gang Tool CNC Lathe

This series are slant bed with Gang type tool holder, which not only suitable for processing various precise parts like short shaft and small pan, but also for machining the inner and outer cylindrical surface, conical surface, circular arc surface, end face, grooving, chamfer, threads, drilling, boring and tapping etc.
Описание параметр видеопроизводство

This series are slant bed with Gang type tool holder, which not only suitable for processing various precise parts like short shaft and small pan, but also for machining the inner and outer cylindrical surface, conical surface, circular arc surface, end face, grooving, chamfer, threads, drilling, boring and tapping etc. Optional power tool can also do axial or radial drilling and milling on the end face. The slant bed Gang type tool holder show the advantages of strong process adaptability, high stiffness of tool holder, high efficiency (change the knife quickly, forward and reverse turning). Therefore, they are widely used for batch processing of parts such as auto and motorcycle accessories, aerospace, household appliances, bearing, instruments and meters, valve of hardware etc. 

● Spindle is made of chrome molybdenum alloy steel, with good rigidity, suitable for heavy cutting.
● P4 class precision NSK/NTN spindle bearings.
● HIWIN/PMI P4 class precision ball screw.
● Power tool is for option.
● The precision of All our lathes will be measured and compensated by RENISHAW laser interferometer, to make sure both positioning precision and repositioning precision are excellent.
● GSK980T CNC system.


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  • Западной части XIANGE ДОРОГИ, HI-TECH ZONE, ANYANG, Хэнань, Китай.
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