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Dikey CNC Pistonlu torna tezgahı

Bu CNC dikey pistonlu torna tezgahı, esas olarak özel şekilli piston eteği, halka oluğu, üst yüzey ve halka oluğu özel şekilli pahları işlemek için kullanılan dikey düzen ve sol ve sağ kayar plaka yapısını benimser; Pistonun dış çemberinin dışbükey dış oval veya diğer karmaşık şekillerini işlemek için çift silindirli lineer servo araç direği ile donatılmıştır. Çift kesme aletleri, farklı malzemelerle farklı pistonları döndürmek için farklı malzemeler veya şekiller kullanır;
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Limited Time Discount on Piston Lathes!!!Spot sales!!

We have a batch of new Vertical CNC Piston lathe and slant bed CNC Piston lathe in storage. Please send us your inquiry or piston drawings to choose the appropriate model of piston lathe for you. Besides, up to 20% off and sonnest shipping once receive payment!! Quantities are limited, Come first, get first! Come on!

This CNC vertical piston lathe/Vertical Piston Turner/CNC Piston Turner (Camless Oval Turn) adopts vertical structure and left and right sliding plate structure, which is mainly used to process the special-shaped oval of piston skirt, ring groove, top surface and ring groove special-shaped chamfers;

Equipped with double-cylinder linear servo toolpost for processing the convex outer oval or other complex shapes of the outer circle of the piston. The double cutting tools adopt different materials or shapes to turn different pistons with different materials;

The software is powerful. By modeling and G code combination editing, it can complete all kinds of special-shaped outer ovals, including standard oval, oval superposition eccentric circle, eccentric oval, rotating oval, etc.



● Genuine CNC piston lathe for camless oval turning.

● Piston diameter range 50-200 mm, piston length up to 200 mm.

● 6 mm super big ovality amount.

● Vertical structure with symmetrical spindle structure, thermal deformation has little effect on the consistency of machining accuracy, effectively eliminating the dimensional error caused by the temperature rise of the spindle.

● Our lathe is equipped with vertical piston clamping fixture, accurate and close contact between the piston stop and the fixture's reference plane ensures stable machining accuracy and convenient clamping.

● Lathe bed is designed with high seismic performance, smooth chip removal performance, compact size and high rigidity, especially suitable for high-strength automated processing of large and medium batch pistons.

● The processes of finish grooving, finish top surface turning, finish skirt oval turning can be completed simultaneously, avoiding secondary clamping of pistons, effectively improving pistons processing accuracy, reducing logistics time for pistons transition, and improving processing efficiency.

● X1, Z1, X2, Z2, W2 and C, total of 6 coordinate axes.

● 5.5kW high-power and high-torque servo main motor.

● Linear motor with high-acceleration and high-frequency cutting is used.


Eğer us.Please için herhangi bir öneri veya soru varsa bize ulaşın.

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  • +86 372 3700288
  • +86 13526135763
  • +86 13526135763
  • Xiange YOL batı bölüm, HI-TECH BÖLGESİ ANYANG, Henan, Çin.
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